Order a Custom essay & Pay with your Old Papers

Do you have old assignments, class notes, homework solutions that you no longer need? Don’t let your efforts go to waste. Use your old essays, research papers as payment for a new essay. Hire a professional essay writer and pay 70% of the total Cost using your Old / Used essays.

We are aware that students often face financial challenges. As much as seeking the services of a professional essay writer is a relief, sometimes it can be costly. We understand that paying for essay or hiring a professional essay writer can be an expensive undertaking for most. We are always working hard to make your stay in college a pleasant experience while been considerate about your financial well-being.
Due to popular demand, you can now Order a new essay from our essay writing service and pay using your old papers, essays, assignments, class notes etc.

Ready To get started? Upload Now
reedem old essays for a new paper

How the service works

  • Upload your old essays, research papers, class notes here:
  • For every paper/ resource that you upload you earn 5 points
  • You can redeem these points for a new essay
  • Apply these points to cater for up to 70% of your essay price

Exchange old papers for new ones

As a student, you accumulate a lot of study resources that you no longer need. For example, your past essays, assignment solutions are an asset that you can put to good use. It is now official that you can exchange or batter your old assignments and essays for new ones. Don’t let your hard work and ideas go into waste, simply exchange them for new essays. Using your old essays to pay for new ones will help you save a lot of money that you can use for other rewarding activities.

While we all need the services of a professional essay writer, the cost of such services is always beyond the capabilities of most students. PaperStoc, is the only custom paper writing services that accept old essays as payment for ordering a new paper. This service allows you to hire an experienced professional service and pay using your past assignment solutions.

Use old essays as payment for a new paper | Upload Now

How Do I Qualify for this offer

How many papers do I need in order to pay for a new essay?

While other essay writing companies charge up to $30 per page for a custom written essay, our service only costs as low as $10 per page for a plagiarism free custom essay. You can pay 70% of the total price using your old essays. For example, suppose you want to order a 5 page essay through our custom paper writing service. Assuming that the total price of such a paper is $50, our service allows you to pay for 70% of the total fee using your old papers. Thus, you will only need to pay for 30% of the total cost which is $15.

Freequently Asked Quetions

At PaperStoc, you can sell your old essays and assignments for money. Alternatively, you can exchange such resources for new assignments and writing services.

How many papers do I need to upload in order to qualify for this offer?
For every resource that you upload, you earn 3-5 points, which you can redeem for any of our service. Every 5 points can be are equivalent to $10 USD. Note that the monetary value of these points can be changed at any time. Thus to order a 5 page essay you will be required to upload at least 5 resources.
Can I hire a professional online tutor and pay for the service using my old essays?
Certainly yes, at PaperStoc you are allowed to pay for any of our services using your old/ used essay and assignment solutions. For every resource that you upload, you earn some credit that you can apply to pay for online tutoring services.
Is there a cost for selling at PaperStoc?
Opening a seller’s account at PaperStoc is free. However the site charges a commission of 30% on every sale. No any extra charge is incurred for running a merchant’s account at PaperStoc
Can I sell my old essay online?
At PaperStoc, you can sell your old essays and assignments for money. Alternatively, you can exchange such resources for new assignments and writing services.
What can I sell at PaperStoc?
AT PaperStoc, you can sell pretty any academic material that is not copyrighted such as notes, summaries, essay, research papers, term papers and dissertation. It is time you converted your study materials into cash by selling them at PaperStoc